मेरी योजना (केन्द्र सरकार)

मेरी योजना  द्वितीय संस्करण


Samagra Shiksha is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme mainly initiated for the universalization of school education. It has three components 1. Elementary, 2. Secondary and 3. Teacher Education. Main object of Samagra Shiksha under elementary education are as following:-

1. To provide primary school facility within 01 km of unserved habitation. 

2. To establish upper primary school facility within 03 km of unserved habitation (01 upper primary school for each 02 primary).

3. For 100% access to establish formal schools.

4. Ensure pupil teacher ratio (PTR) as per norms and deploy regular teachers in single teacher schools.

5. To implement CCE and monitoring system for ensuring universal quality education to all category students.

6. To ensure access, retention and quality education with the convergence of other departments.

7. Strengthening of education system for the continuity of elementary and secondary education. 

8. Capacity building of SMC and VEC members for the smooth functioning of project activities and monitoring.

9. As per RTE Act special training for out of school children and inclusive education.