Hit Counter0002331352Since: 11-04-2011
Enrolment All Management, Govt, Govt Aided as per UDISE+2023-24 uploaded as on 19-09-2024(34.2KB)
Out of School Data uploaded on 20-09-2024(69KB)
Enrolment All Management,Govt.,Aided as per UDISE+2022-23 uploaded as un 29-11-2023(23 KB)
Enrolment Govt. and Govt,Aided Districtwise,Castewise and Classwise uploaded on 20-06-2023(84KB)
Enrolment Govt and Govt.Aided Schools Blockwise Districtwise and State uploaded on 20-06-2023(72KB)
Enrolment managementwise as per UDISE+2020-21 uploaded on 11-10-2021
Enrolment management wise as per UDISE+2019-20 uploaded on 06-05-2021(31.4KB)
Enrolment All Management 2017-18 uploaded on 27-08-2018 (51 KB)
Enrolment Govt. 2017-18 uploaded on 27-08-2018(46KB)
Enrolment All Management 2016-17 uploaded on 20-04-2017(74.5KB)
Enrolment Govt2016-17 uploaded on 21-04-2017(72.8KB)
Out of School Children -Balgarna 2016-17 uploaded on 20-04-2017(45KB)
Enrolment All Management 2015-16(78.8KB)
Achievement of Special Training August2015(19.9KB)
25% Admission Under RTE 12(1)(c) 2015-16 7.66(KB)
Classwise Enrolment Under RTE 12(1)(c) 2015-16 (18.7KB)
Classwise Enrolment of CWSN Children 2014-15 (105KB)
Data on Enrolment and Out of School(34KB)
Data on Enrolment and Out of School (11.2 KB)