Hit Counter0002331400Since: 11-04-2011
Audited Expenditure 2019 TO 2023 -24 SAMAGARA SHIKSHA(143KB) uploaded as on 20-09-2024
SSA Financial Progress as on Oct2021(75KB)
SSA Financial Progress as on Oct,2019(1207KB)
SSA Financial Progress as on Oct,2017 uploaded on 09-11-2017(172KB)
SSA-Expenditure as on December2016
SSA- Outlay Recommanded for 2015-16(63.4KB)
Expenditure August 2015(38KB)
Activitywise Plan and Expenditure 2014-15 (38 KB)
District wise statement (9.1 KB)
Yearwise Plan and Expenditure(8.8 KB)