Hit Counter0002331341Since: 11-04-2011
In Service Teacher Training Module class 1 to 2 2017-18 uploaded on 09-11-2017(21.9MB)
In Service Teacher Training Module Class3-5 2017-18 uploaded on 09-11-2017(11.7MB)
In Service Training Module Class6-8 Science Maths 2017-18 uploaded on 09-11-2017(13.6MB)
In Service Teacher Training Module Class6-8 Social Science 2017-18 uploaded on 09-11-2017(35.8MB)
Inservice Teachers Training Module class 1 to 2 May2016 (5.19MB)
Inservice Teachers Training Module class 3 to 5 May2016 (4.9MB)
Inservice Teachers Training Module Class 6 to 8 Maths June2016(5.70MB)
Inservice Teachers Training Module Class 6 to 8 Science June2016(6.89MB)
Guidelines for Inservice Training 2016-17 (1.7 MB)
In service Teachers Training Letter for CALP 2015-16(442KB)
Inservice ICT Training Module2015-16(5.27MB)
Inservice Teachers Training Module class 1 to 2 (8 MB)
Inservice Teachers Training Module class 3 to 5 (16.1 MB)
Inservice Teachers Training Module Class 6 to 8 Maths (11 MB)
Inservice Teachers Training Module Class 6 to 8 Science (5.5 MB)
BRC/BRC, CRC/CRP Roles and Responsibility (1.2 MB)
Early Grade - Guidelines to enhance the quality of Early grade reading writing & Early Maths (617.9 KB)
Training and Grants (97.6 KB)